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Version: 1.0

Migrate Emulator State To Cadence 1.0

Flow CLI provides a command flow migrate state to migrate your local emulator state to Cadence 1.0, and to deploy upgraded contracts to the emulator. This is useful for locally testing the staged contract upgrades, and to see how the new network and the upgraded contracts would behave with the migrated data.

Migration Guide​

To test the migration, first you would need an emulator state, created with an emulator/CLI release that uses a pre-1.0 Cadence version.

Getting the old state​

It is recommended to use the latest pre-1.0 CLI version (e.g: v1.14.*) for creating the old state. This is because the emulator shipped with older CLI versions may not include some of the system contracts (e.g: RandomBeaconHistory contract) that are included by default in the newer versions of the emulator/CLI. Such contracts are required for the migration.

To get an emulator state with Flow CLI 1.14.0:

  • Start the emulator with the --persist flag.

    flow emulator --persist

  • Deploy the pre-1.0 project/contracts to the emulator

  • Run transactions if there are any.

  • Stop the emulator (Ctrl-C on *nix platforms, and Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-Pause on Windows). It is important to make sure the emulator is stopped before taking the snapshot, so that any pending in-memory data would be written to the persisted state properly.

  • Locate the persisted state ./flowdb/emulator.sqlite file, from the project root.

Migrating the state​

Download and install CLI​

Download and install the latest CLI, that runs Cadence 1.0, by running the below command.

  • Linux/macOS

    sudo sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Windows (in PowerShell):

    iex "& { $(irm '') }"

The Cadence 1.0 CLI will now be available on your system as flow-c1. You can interact with this CLI using this command, i.e.

flow-c1 help

Note: Any existing previous Flow CLI installation will still remain available via the flow command.

Run migration​

  • Run flow-c1 migrate against the previously created state.

  • The state file (emulator.sqlite) can be provided using the --db-path flag.

  • If there are any contracts that also need to be upgraded, those can be specified using the --contracts flag. Note that, the paths to these updated contracts and their deployed addresses must be specified in the flow.json file. For example, assuming the contract was deployed in the test account in the emulator, and assuming the updated contract is in the ./updated_test_contract.cdc file, the flow.json should include:

    "contracts": {
    "Test": "./updated_test_contract.cdc"
    "deployments": {
    "emulator": {
    "test": ["Test"]

  • The migration will produce a report consisting of the migration status. This can be enabled by setting the --save-report flag.

A sample migrate command would look like:

flow-c1 migrate state --db-path=/path/to/emulator.sqlite --save-report=./reports --contracts="Test"

Testing the migrated state​

Once the migration completes successfully, the emulator can be started with the migrated state. For that, ensure the emulator is started again using the new CLI version (that runs Cadence 1.0), with the --persist flag. Now the emulator should be up and running using the migrated state and the updated contracts. Run any transactions to verify the correctness of the existing data.